Baruch Spiro


姓名:Baruch Spiro




Baruch Spiro是国际稳定同位素地球化学研究方面的资深专家,曾在上世纪九十年代较长一段时间内担任过位于英国诺丁汉郡(Keyworth, Nottinghamshire)的英国自然环境研究理事会(NERC)同位素地球科学实验室(NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory)执行主任。任职于英国自然历史博物馆。至今Baruch Spiro研究员已在包括GCA, Chemical Geology, EPSL, Geology, Mineralogical Magazine, MD, ES&T等顶级期刊上发表了百余篇国际SCI论文。在利用稳定同位素及部分放射性同位素研究煤、泥炭、珊瑚、油页岩、矿床、雨水、植物、火山喷发以及古气候研究等许多方面积累了几十年的科研心得,具有深厚的造诣。


1.Marion Ferrat, Dominik J. Weiss, Baruch Spiro, David Large.The inorganic geochemistry of a peat deposit on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and insights into changing atmospheric circulation in central Asia during the Holocene.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,Volume 91,2012, 7-31.

2.Baruch Spiro, Shoshana Ashkenazi, Abraham Starinsky, Amitai Katz.Strontium isotopes in Melanopsis sp. as indicators of variation in hydrology and climate in the Upper Jordan Valley during the Early–Middle Pleistocene, and wider implications.Journal of Human Evolution,Volume 60, Issue 4,2011,407-416,

3.David M. McKirdy, Baruch Spiro, Alexander W. Kim, Alan J. Brenchley, Christopher J. Hepplewhite, Antonio G. Mazzoleni.Environmental significance of mid- to late Holocene sapropels in Old Man Lake, Coorong coastal plain, South Australia: An isotopic, biomarker and palaeoecological perspective,Organic Geochemistry,Volume 58,2013,13-26.

4.Claudio Vita-Finzi, Baruch Spiro.Isotopic indicators of deformation in the Red Sea,Journal of Structural Geology,Volume 28, Issue 6,2006, 1114-1122.

5.David J. Large, Baruch Spiro, Marion Ferrat, Michaela Shopland, Malin Kylander, Kerry Gallagher, Xiangdong Li, Chengde Shen, Goran Possnert, Gan Zhang, W. George Darling, Dominik Weiss.The influence of climate, hydrology and permafrost on Holocene peat accumulation at 3500m on the eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau,Quaternary Science Reviews,Volume 28, Issues 27–28,2009,3303-3314.


1.Molluscs in Archaeology

2.Mineralogy of an oxidation zones of sulfide deposits